Friday, May 29, 2009


Did not find a place to stay so I stocked up on food and headed out.  See a sign for John 'o Groats and noting it is the tourist route and 170 miles.  My jump off point the Orkney Islands is 20 miles less and I'm taking a ?stort? cut.  Stopping along the road for a break I found midgies or they found me.  I find that my handlebar has come loose so it moves and not the tire.  Tighten the handlebars at top of the next hill and that is a good thing as I hit 40 miles an hour going off the other side.  Only three mile up the road I found a good camping site.  It was a race to setup the tent with the midgies moving in for dinner.  Midgies are the highland version of the no-see-um with the lasses needing a drop of blood for their second round of eggs.  And they are known to show up in large groups.  Wind and rain keep midgies away so I don't know what to hope for.
3 miles
Love & kisses

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wishing for sunshine in your tomorrow Steve! Thanks for all your posts! Sheb and I biked probably 6 miles tonight - pathetic in comparison, I'd say. Rockies got dumped on and look amazingly snow-covered in the distance. Peace and no-see-ums! Lisa