Monday, May 10, 2010

Another trip

I am off in a week for London.  From there I will follow the Viking back to their strong hold amongst the fiords.  If I have no luck finding the Swedish ski team, I will head south.  I may take a Gaul tour of Rome.  In October I need to be back in London to fly home.   Simple plan and I am just short guide books and maps currently.  Thanks all your suggestions.  I did like the idea of retracing Hannibal's route through the Alps as my bike is like an elephant.   I will be updating the blog once again as I wonder. 
As it seems to be snowing here every other day my training on the bicycle has not been as good as last years.  So I will be doing some of my training on the trip to get up to speed.   So the lack of bicycle training and planning should lead to a good adventure.
Love & Kisses

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