Wednesday, September 22, 2010


When I got up there was still no sign of the warden so I pack and rode on.  I was glad after miles of downhill to start climbing as my fingers we needing to thaw out. I arrived in Besancon with a view overlooking the fort.   Tried to take a train to Verdun but the bike was an issue.  Then I saw an email about visiting friends in Geneva but the train would arrive at 11pm.  That would not be good timing for a visit with friends that work.  So I went for Strasbourg as it gets me in the direction I want to go as there were no trains for bikes to Luxemburg.  Hoping on a train is not so easy with a bike.  The train follows a river and there is a great bike trail also following the same route.  Strasbourg cathedral had lots to look at.  The second hostel a bit out of town had a room.
35.1 miles 4:22 hr / max speed 26.0 / avg moving speed 8.0 / stopped time 4:49 / 1401 ft total ascent. (Cold morning and clear) 
Love & kisses

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