After repacking all my gear I am off at around nine. I have steering again. I start looking for internet and have no luck finding a open network. After a croissant and pizza I am off on the narrow highway with high guardrails. The speed of the cars is only 70k because in
Italy they follow all road rules. For biking this is not
Holland. Heading off on side roads looking for a bit less traffic I find a café with WiFi. This leads to finding that the well at my house is having issues. So I could use a good person with a well. So I end up back on the highway working my way into
Rome. I am in luck where I exit the highway I find a bike path that leads to the center of town. Stop for a quick picture of the coliseum and then head for the river. Once I figure out how to get down to the river 50ft bellow I am on a nice bike path. When the bike path ends I have reached my goal of 30 miles for the first day. Only 34 miles later I find a campground on the edge of Lago Di Bracciano
64.5 Miles, 7:11 minutes moving, Max Speed 28.9, Moving Average 9.0, Stop Time 3:40 Minutes, Overall Average Speed 5.9, Start 9:00 End 20:00 Accent 1895 Feet Sunny warm day
Love & Kisses
test, I just wrote a whole reply and nothing appears?!
Ah well, now it works, very nice... What did I say, too much to write it again, oh... it makes me angry Steve, this technology which doesn't work! I need holidy!!! Tmorow I am fresher and I will write again, take good care,
But for now: good journey, stay safe on the road and eat decent (no pizaa all the time Steve!)
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