Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yes you must go down to get to the other side.

Glad I could go around .... Wrong

I was on the other side

So why are the passes closed

Started the day with a short trip into town where I found internet, a plug off the back of the local facilities, and a park bench just in reach of the plug.  Sorry no picture, Dave.  So after spending sometime updating my blog, I headed up the hill.  Found a sign warning it was a 14% grade.  At the top I was happy I did not drop into the town below as the road stayed near the top.   I was wrong I wanted to drop straight down and up the other side.  I could have grab a lift in the gondola to the top of the water fall, but I took the road up and up.  As night approached I found a nice camp near the top of the pass. 
Grosse Scheidegg
20.4 miles, 4:19 minutes moving, Max Speed 25.0, Moving Average 4.7, 
 Stop Time 3:25, Overall Average Speed 2.6,   Start 10:30 and 21:30  Accent 4445 Feet  Low clouds in morning with partly cloudy in the evening with thunder on the pass. 

Love & Kisses

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