Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Gas Station 1

Slow start and only 150 k to go.  Two check points this morning.
Lunch spotted the tail.  They are getting better citron van with two guys.  When confronted the uniformed officer introduced himself.  Much better.

Rear derailleur cable broke I had it fixed in ten minutes.  Our tail showed up as I finished up, to check if everything was alright.  Police helped with getting us a nice room at the gas station.

Gas Station 1
145.0 Kilometers, 6:42 Moving Time, Max Speed 34.2 k, Moving Average 21.7 k, 
 Stop Time 3:30 Overall Average Speed 14.2k,   Start 11:00 end 20:30 Accent 141 meters.
Partly Cloudy

Love & Kisses


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