Saturday, October 27, 2012


Off to the peace corp. for a box.  As I get to the general location that the Peace Corp. Office.  I find that I lost the map I was given.  My memory got to the bus transit point near the office.  I start asking around and get lucky and find someone that knows the location.  I was at the wrong bus transit point.  I am lead five blocks and find the office.  The bike mechanic there had just put together the bikes for this year’s volunteers and had a few boxes still.  We squeezed the bike in to the box and then a cab ride back to the house.  In the afternoon my host offers to get a better malaria blood test at the only ISO lab in the region.  The test results I get latter in the evening are that I never had malaria and there is no sign of malaria.  The malaria cure I took also work as a preventative.  So at least they were not a total waste.  We had dinner at the further point west.  Watching the cross waves meet had me thinking this would be a rough place to sea kayak. 

Picture from ipod

15.3 Kilometers, 1:10 Moving Time, Max Speed 30.5 k, Moving Average 13.0 k, 
 Stop Time 1:12 Overall Average Speed 6.4 k,   Start 10:00 end 12:00 Accent 62 meters.
Sunny hot.

Love & Kisses

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