Another dawn and I am up. Legs hurt to move, it feels like a pipe was hammered against them. I see a long day ahead. I ride against a marathon that is happening. Provide a lead runner with a Band-Aid for her foot. After going up and down the South Downs for 16 miles I find a nice forest. It’s time to camp. I find a place deep in the woods and hard to find as it is mid afternoon. My legs are finally happy as lie down. A few hours later I spot someone fifty yards away in the woods. He spots my camp after he has set up his camp. Another person is wild camping.
Love & Kisses
Love & Kisses
Distance 17.0 Miles / Total Time 9:41 / Time of Day 18:03 / Average Moving Speed 4.1 / Average Speed 1.8 / Moving Time 4:10 / Stop Time 5:32 / Max Speed 13.2 / Temperature 49F / Max Temp 53F / Min Temp 43F / Ascent 2311 ft / Current Elevation 847 ft / Max Elevation 877 ft /
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