Another dawn and I am up. Legs still hurt to move. I see another long day ahead. I want to catch a boat today so it is time go. I head down the downs and back into traffic. The pavement makes the riding easier. On a bike path a lady yells at me as I read a sign on the roman history of the area. I surprised her on the cycle path as I passed her as she was walking her dogs. She was surprised as can't hear well and wants me to use a bell. From her volume she has a hearing issue she wants to spread. I consider what size church bell I would need to carry to ensure she could hear it. As the issue seems to be with her and I don't want to travel like an old time leper, I will not be riding with a bell ringing. You think she would expect bicycles on the bike path. Yes the sign note it was a bike path before I was interrupted reading it. When I get to the ferry terminal most ferries arrive after dark in France. So I go for the overnight ferry arriving at dawn.
Love & Kisses
Distance 44.8 Miles / Total Time 11.26 / Time of Day 18:48 / Average Moving Speed 6.5 / Average Speed 3.9 / Moving Time 6:51 / Stop Time 4:35 / Max Speed 33.0 / Temperature 60F / Max Temp 65F / Min Temp 43F / Ascent 1325 ft / Current Elevation 34 ft / Max Elevation 860 ft /
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