Sunday, July 9, 2023

7-9-2023 Ecuador Loja - Vilcabamba

Leaving Cuenca finally.  Short ride to the bus station and then wait for the bus.  Bikes fit easily under the bus.  A four hour ride and we are in Loja.  Rode was over a number of hills on a windy Panamerican Highway.  Yes we are zipping ahead as we crave some different view from the cultivated lands here.  Also we have been growing soft eating well and not riding for hours every day.  Tomorrow back to a full day of riding.


We ride again and off to Vilcabamba and a eco resort.  We have more good food and ice cream.

Missed the morning yoga as the alarm was off. 😌 Massages after one full day of riding.  Life is getting harder again.

Love and kisses


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